The golden rule for any driver is to understand all the physics and functionality of the car.
Let’s look through some situations. Imagine that you have some troubles with wheel bearing, it has some defect. Let it be the front wheel. You hear some noise at low speed which becomes louder while developing higher speeds. Or another situation. You found some large holes in the car’s engine exhaust. And your car produces loud sounds when you drive in a habitual style. If you have at least two policemen on your way, you will have unpleasant situations, you will be stopped and have a long conversation with them. Do you need this?
The fact is that the holes in the exhaust have no connection with the low fuel usage. You should find the source of the problem.
The first point is to make a model of your driving. For example, there is green light forward and you do not know when the red one coming. The standard driver will continue with the same speed, so will do the driver who is interested in fuel economy.
Let’s see one more situation when the red light is coming in five seconds. What will you do?
If you have Porsche, you will wait for the green light and develop the former speed. The common driver will continue with same speed. The result is he comes too early, has to lower the speed suddenly and then accelerate. Fuel economic driver, read — you and I – will the car roll. The car will just run slower step by step, and then accelerate.
Some other tips are: It is recommended not to use clutch too much.
At red lights stops it is better to switch the vehicle.
A clever driver always drives at gear which corresponds to speed.
Do not forget about the regular car service. It is the same as with dentists. You are interested first of all.
All the experienced drivers know that it is much better to drive at 90 km per hour then 100; this can increase the fuel economy by 10 per cent. Lead a steady speed and try to avoid rush starts and stops. It is recommended not to use the air conditioner at lower speeds. Full roof rack increases the fuel consumption at about 5 % at high way driving. What is the conclusion? Drive as free and empty as possible. It is no need to use to many movements with steering wheel, save your energy and the car’s.