According to public sources, around 6 percent of all road accidents happen and 18 percent of deaths are caused by drivers or pedestrians being over the legal drink limit. Unfortunately very often these figures matter only for those who were involved into such road accidents. Yet in different countries the permitted alcohol limit for a driver is different.
Alcohol Impact
Have you ever heard the term “Dutch Courage”, which defines a certain state of the organism influenced by drinking? Drivers in this condition behave in very dangerous manner, taking risks when possible.
Alcohol has a property of being very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and very slowly worn off. 50 percent of any alcohol consumed is absorbed within only 10 minutes. It will be present in your bloodstream for at leas 12 hours and don?t thing that hor coffe or other methods can help you.
Limit Permitted
The alcohol amount in the bloodstream can be measured in different ways:
* 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath
* 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood
* 107 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of urine
The levels mentioned above are reached by in-taking small umber of alcohol drinks only for alcohol units for men and 3 for women makes them unfit for driving. A small glass of light white wine contains around 1,5 alcohol units ? now you can see how little you should drink to become a dangerous driver.
What Does the Law Says?
Without reasonable cause the police cannot stop you for a breathalyser test. But if stopped in some reason the person is asked to measure alcohol amount in the breath. In the event the driver refuses or alcohol is found in his breath, he can be arrested and got to a police station. There a driver is to have alcohol analysis in one of the ways listed above. If the two measurements differ the lowest will be accepted. The driver will be charged if over the legal limit. You will also be charged if you refuse to give a breath sample, even if you insist on having a blood or urine analysis instead.
if your reading is 35-39 micrograms, you’ll be released but cautioned. In the event it is 40-50 you’ll have to provide urine or blood samples. Without your permission the police cannot take your blood samples, however if you refuse to provide them the decision will be based on the breath sample only.
Drink Driving Penalties
The penalties are very high so you’d better not to drive when drunk as it is not only dangerous but expensive either. If a roadside breath test proves the presence of alcohol in your bloodstream you’ll get points into the driving license and a fine of around $2000. the maximum punishment you can get is $ 10 000, 3 years ban. In particularly serious cases you can be imprisoned.